Learn R Programming

ade4 (version 1.7-18)

Deprecated functions: Deprecated functions in ade4


The functions/data listed below are deprecated. The R code of the deprecated functions are stored for memory in the file ade4-deprecated.R.

- between: replaced by bca - betweencoinertia: replaced by bca.coinertia - char2genet: replaced by df2genind and genind2genpop in the adegenet package - count2genet: replaced by df2genind and genind2genpop in the adegenet package - dist.genet: replaced by dist.genpop in the adegenet package - EH: replaced by EH in the adiv package - freq2genet: replaced by df2genind and genind2genpop in the adegenet package - fuzzygenet: replaced by df2genind in the adegenet package - optimEH: replaced by optimEH in the adiv package - orisaved: replaced by orisaved in the adiv package - orthogram: replaced by orthogram in the adephylo package - randEH: replaced by randEH in the adiv package - within: replaced by wca - withincoinertia: replaced by wca.coinertia
